Holographic Kinetics
Holographic Kinetics is a unique and powerful transformational healing process which was born out of the knowledge of ancient ancestral healing from the Aboriginal 'Dreamtime' which recognises true 'LORE' or universal law found in Nature. We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional universe!
How does it work?
In our Holographic Universe our physical body is the holographic projection of our Spiritual self. We are in perfect balance when our Spirit is connected and we feel happy and content. However if we are not in control of our thoughts, words, deeds and actions then we are dis-empowered or in a state of disharmony which means our Spirit is not guiding and directing us. When we feel inspired we are intune with our innerbeing or Spirit! Our Soul is the programming and the Spirit is what animates us.
As all created causes have a created effect, by bypassing the Ego and connecting with your Spirit we can get to the root cause of each issue which may have been created or activated in this life time or it may have been created in previous lifetimes or passed down your ancestral line which can also be accessed during a session..
When your universal mind of creation goes back through to the cause of the effect of your creation the mind enters 'the looking glass' or dimensional window where time and space are not relevant and mind is all powerful and present and all is at one with the Universe. This is where the created imbalance is brought back to it's creation in order to get back to it's point zero and balance can take place.
How can it help?
This transformational process for those who recognise that they are experiencing physical and emotional stress and are looking for permanent drug-free solutions. Disorders such as depression, anxiety, grief, anger, guilt, shame, procrastination, abusive traumas from the past, that can also be reflected in acute and chronic health problems, pain or maladies; creations of resistance, repeating negative patterns, feeling disconnected, 'stuck in time' or 'ground-hog day'; drug, food, and other addictions to name a few can be addressed.
© Copyright 2021 |
Last updated on January 7, 2021 |